Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation Q2;

Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

before i began making my magazine i set out to make my magazine appeal to a large audience. form different ages. (around 18-30 yr olds), different lifestlyes, cultures. i think my magazine represents the social groups as first of all the theme of my magazine is rock which appeals to a wide range of different people. rock has been a popular genre of music over the years as it his so many different variation and choices (indie rock, heavy metal, classic rock etc.) unlike other music genres that are fairly linear. which is why i decided to not pin point a specific genre of rock for my magazine to cater to different people. this is evident in my magazine as there is a bold contrast in my models. the first being toward the indie side and the second toward the more metal side. 

Through research i have noticed that vintage sheek has become very popular over a very wide spread variety of people, from trendy hipster groups to the gothic style. each of these different groups seem to add elements of 1960s/70s fashion into there style. which is why i wanted to take this approach with my magazine style and decided to incorporate elements of 60s/70s pop culture in to my magazine. another reason i did this was to allow my magazine to appeal to a much older generation, and add a element of nostalgia into the it. the colour scheme of my magazine is very reminiscent of 70s and 80s pop culture. bright florescent colour are very similar to the colours used by the likes acts from the same era like David Bowie, The Beatles etc. 

the contents of my magazine are also quite neutral. containing interviews, information etc. quite generic features that would be found in most magazines. i have however made the contents of my magazine appeal to the poeple within my target audiences age range, meaning parts of the magazine don't appear to be too mature or too childish as the age range varies from 18-30.     

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