Wednesday 5 November 2014

My School Magazine; Contents Page

My School Magazine Contents Page :

This is my attempt at making a content page for my school magazine.

These screenshot show the process of making the page...

 1. I started of figuring how i wanted to layout the page. so i began to add different shapes and colours to set out the basis of my page. the shapes and colours all correspond to my front page like a theme in the design of my magazine. the shapes also fit with the overall theme of my magazine. (school advice).

2. I then went on to add a darker colour for the background and add more shapes. at this point i have set up a layout for were my texts are going to go. i decided to uses a darker blue(also a school colour) to make the text areas stand out more and make them more easily readable. 

3. I started to add writing into the boxes. like i intended the boxes do help to make the text stand out. again i used the same green to standout over the dark blue. the title of this page is has the same layout as the front cover title this give both pages a similarity rather than them being completely different which wouldn't work so well.

4. This is my final outcome. finally i added some more texts to cover the page. overall i think for a first attempt it isn't that bad but i think i could be improve in terms of imagery as it looks bland and simple which contents pages should as they are the pages that set out for the rest of the magazine 

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