Wednesday 5 November 2014

Heading Font Ideas :

When creating my fonts i wanted to make sure that i was taking the expectations of my audience into consideration in terms of what colours i used, fonts, shapes etc. and what would fit my magazine as a whole.

for this heading i played around with the positioning of the letters to make the font look more original as well as give the heading a more edgier look to appeal to my audience (teenagers/sixth former. i manipulated the school colours to fit the appeal of teenagers. the font itself is bold and stands out which works for a heading. 
this is my preferred design.   

for this design i took a more sutler approach approach. the heading isn't amazing in terms of looks but it still stands out and it bold which is most important for designing headings. the contrast on the light and dark colours help it stand out against anything else but what lets it down is the fonts which are too boring and make the composition of the lettering look sloppy. 


     For this heading design i wanted to make it correspond to 
     the school theme so i positioned the letters to look like 
     a word search. i used the school colours again to make the 
     heading stand out. the contrast lightness of the green
     makes the black really stand out. i used a quite bold font
     for this design to make the letters look bolder. as a whole 
     i think the composition works but the only problem i have 
     is whether it will stand out on the front page of my 
     magazine?.....not so much.    

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